Work with me

Serenity Coaching Offerings

There are 3 ways to access one-to-one support with me:

  • SEEN & HEARD Holistic Grief First Aid Package (extended single session)

  • ACCEPTING GRIEF Programme (6 sessions)

  • TRANSFORM & GROW Empowerment Programme (12 sessions)

The Accepting Grief and the Transform & Grow programmes both include post-session summaries (with recommendations for onward healing) and at least one personalised Grief Movement video.

What is Grief Movement?
It is not always possible to use talk alone as a way out of pain and struggle. The heavy emotions of grief can get stuck in the body. Using a combination of movement, breath and sound Grief Movement techniques will help you to release these stuck emotions whilst calming down your nervous system. Each technique can be done from the comfort of a chair.

All three programmes are offered online.



This personalised package includes a 2-hour Holistic Grief First Aid session, a post-session summary (with recommendations for onward healing) and email support for two weeks.

I will teach you how to:

  • Acknowledge the nature of your own, personal grief

  • Identify the immediate support you need

  • Understand what your emotions are telling you

  • Use techniques, tailored to you personally, to calm your nervous system

  • Manage your grief with self-compassion (not just cope)

  • Understand the role self-care plays in healing grief

As well as equipping you with practical insight and skills, you will feel seen, heard and understood with compassion.

When grief hits it can truly knock us sideways. Whilst dealing with the shock we are often required to function normally and meet deadlines. It’s a lot to expect when your heart is breaking into a million pieces.

The first and most important step is for your grief to be witnessed and validated (seen and heard). In a society that struggles to acknowledge grief, let alone knows how to heal it, this can be a difficult step.

This session gently starts your healing process and is designed around you as an individual.


You’re ready for the SEEN & HEARD Grief First Aid programme if:

  • You are feeling overwhelmed by emotion and know you need help.

  • You are struggling to cope with all the emotional and practical turmoil of your grief.

  • You are overcome with shock, sadness and maybe crying a lot.


Six hours of one-to-one bespoke mentoring sessions supporting your personal healing grief journey. This programme includes post-session summaries and a personalised Grief Movement video. Sessions may be weekly or fortnightly.

I will mentor you to:

  • Identify your best tools and techniques to help yourself heal

  • Learn how to cope with difficult situations and emergencies

  • Learn how to ask for the support that you need from others (partner, family, colleagues, etc)

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the nature of your grief and how it affects your life

  • Learn how to transform your pain into deeper connection with your lost one

  • Create your personal guidebook for healing your own grief

If grieving wasn’t bad enough, it is all the more difficult to do it alone. It is healthy to grieve but nobody gave us the guidebook on how to do it – until now. Let me help you create your personal grief healing plan.


You’re ready for the ACCEPTING GRIEF programme if:

  • You’ve come some way toward healing your grief but now feel stuck.

  • You’re struggling to come to terms with the changes and reality of your life after loss.

  • You feel swamped by the range of difficult emotions you are feeling day to day.

Price: £720 / $915* (Payment plan available)


Discover who you are now as you integrate your grief whilst finding meaning from your loss.

A 9-month programme of 12 x 90-minute sessions, post-session summaries and two personalised Grief Movement videos. Sessions are fortnightly for the first 3 months, then monthly for 6 months.

Now is your opportunity to go deeper and wider into your grief and explore the multitude of layers it contains. It’s an opportunity to heal deep wounds that may have been buried for years. An opportunity for huge personal growth and healing using your grief as the doorway.

If you want to transform your grief into a renewed meaning and purpose for your life then this is the programme for you. It is about permission to be a true version of yourself and to live in freedom from the heavy weight of grief.

In the TRANSFORM & GROW programme, I will coach you to:

  • Heal your deepest, unhealed grief

  • Confidently heal and clear difficult emotions

  • Deal with overwhelm, anxiety and fear with ease

  • Feel good about yourself as you begin to flourish

  • Have control over your emotions

  • Build resilience for the tough times

  • Forge a strong and loving connection with your lost one

  • Live authentically from your heart

  • Be a master of self-compassion

  • Trust your intuition

  • Know and like who you are – come home to yourself


You’re ready for the TRANSFORM & GROW programme if:

  • Having experienced the freedom from accepting your grief, you are ready to lift the lid on deeper emotional work to enable personal growth.

  • You understand the value, benefit and healing capability of deep inner work.

  • You are curious and ready to explore how much you can transform and grow through the challenges of grief.

Ready to find new meaning and purpose from your experience?

£2200 / $2800* (Payment plan available)

* Please note that USD $ prices are subject to confirmation at time of booking due to the fluctuating exchange rate.

Why Jeanette?

When my father died, I had no idea about the devastation of grief. Nothing prepared me for the loss of a parent and all that it would mean. I was shocked at how so few people wanted to let me talk about what I had experienced and how I felt. I had no idea, of course, that the loss of my father was the beginning of a whole series of loss involving other family members and my dearest friend. As the loss compounded, I found even fewer people able to hear my story. I kept so much pain inside that eventually it made me sick.

To be blunt, I have been to “grief hell” several times. I am extremely familiar with the terrain of grief and all its devastating components. I have felt the dread that overwhelming emotion presents and the utter fear of annihilation if I dared to allow myself to truly feel my sadness and distress.

As I led my own recovery journey, I came to realise that access to healing sat in the centre of my grief and that when I allowed myself to process and heal the emotions, I felt freedom. I could breathe again. I found a renewed sense of purpose. I could touch joy again. This was freedom.

My journey of healing took me from a place of feeling totally powerless to the effects of grief, through to a powerful sense of purpose which led me to creating my offerings. My passion is to provide the support to others that I desperately searched for 25 years ago and could not find.

The first step to healing grief

In order for grief to be healed it needs to be witnessed and validated (seen and heard). I provide a safe container within which your grief can be acknowledged, expressed, honoured and healed.

Working intuitively, I gently guide you from a sense of feeling powerless from grief to creating a powerful and sustainable self-care practice, through to discovering a renewed sense of meaning and purpose to your life.

Together we will find your path out of the forest of grief, keeping you connected to love, empowerment and purpose.

My Qualifications

Grief Movement Guide | Life Coach | Trauma Informed Coach
Hypnotherapist | Journey Practitioner | Reiki Master

“The biggest shift I experienced was the realisation that vulnerability is my deepest strength as it always presents a possibility for growth. I now feel I have the tools and techniques available to me to transform myself for the rest of my life.”

- Jane E, Norwich