What is Healing with Grief Movement?

Grief Movement is a collection of wonderful techniques developed by the lovely Paul Denniston, creator and founder of Grief Yoga.

Using a combination of movement, breath and sound these techniques will help you to release pain and break through the heaviness of grief whilst calming down your nervous system.

Each technique can be done from the comfort of a chair. It is not about physical capability but about focusing on the release of stuck emotions.

These transformative techniques provide the opportunity for releasing struggle whilst opening space for acceptance, forgiveness, renewed insight, gratitude and a stronger connection to love. Pain is transformed into peace and purpose using movement, breath and sound.


By embracing a Grief Movement practice, you will be able to allow difficult emotions such as sadness, regret, guilt and anger to move through whilst holding yourself in a place of compassionate understanding. From a safe place, you will feel your inner strength returning and connecting you to greater empowerment.

It is not always possible to use talk alone as a way out of pain and struggle. The heavy emotions of grief and trauma can get stuck in the body (our issues are in our tissues). Attempting to think your way out of pain can result in rumination, endlessly re-telling your story and experiencing the pain of the past over and over.

Your body remembers your painful emotions and holds on to them energetically. It is important to create channels through which stuck emotion can be released, allowing connection to love, acceptance and peace.

During our time together, I will recommend and guide you in individual techniques and, where appropriate, create a 10-20 minute routine (known as a Transformational Flow) for your unique situation. The techniques are simple and therefore easy to learn and incorporate into your life.


“Grief Movement took my healing to another level entirely. I could feel the tension in my body being released every time I did the techniques and my energy levels increased. It was like the missing piece of the healing jigsaw for me.” - SF, Norfolk


Grief Movement is utterly transformational.