Client Testimonials

A story of renewed trust in life and discovering the power of self-compassion.

“Throughout my work with Jeanette she was present with me with her whole being. She was attuned and available and provided a safe, loving space for me to explore early losses in my life. I felt completely safe and able to go to those soft places because of the “emotional holding” that Jeanette gave me. It made it OK for me to go to these difficult places and memories.

Jeanette supported me to acknowledge how I felt in the moment without judgement and say out loud the truth of how awful it felt for me. I was able to be easy on myself, feel genuine self-compassion and be my own best friend. Some of the phrases Jeanette used helped me obtain clarity and to understand more about the connection between heart, mind and body.

Before starting the Powerless to Purpose Programme I had lost trust in life offering me joy and believed I simply needed to endure it. I struggled with accepting all aspects of myself and loving me for who I am.

Now, I am now better able to accept myself in all ways. I am compassionate with myself as I am today - and also for the Jane of the past (in all forms).

The biggest shift I experienced was the realisation that vulnerability is my deepest strength as it always presents a possibility for growth. This shift has helped me to develop sovereignty but also seek and accept support and have genuine compassion for, and belief in, myself. I now feel I have the tools and techniques available to me to transform myself for the rest of my life.

The Powerless to Purpose Programme has shown me that I can find safety and security in myself. I am now able to have more trust in the evolution of life and that nothing happens to you, but for you.

I have developed a loving and compassionate relationship with myself. It has been a transformational process which will support me throughout the unfolding of my life.

To have my pain witnessed and held by Jeanette was both powerful and key to my healing. It is what we all need.

- Jane E, Norwich

A story of freedom from guilt and shame, and connecting to a sense of purpose.

Working with Jeanette in the Powerless to Purpose programme has been a very loving, healing and empowering journey that was greater than I had expected. After the first session with Jeanette, I started to reconnect with my true sense of self, which I had lost after my miscarriage. It was the most painful and heart-breaking period of my life, and I didn’t know how to process my loss. I felt alone and isolated in my grief before I began the programme.

Jeanette created a loving, sacred space for me to be fully present with my raw and tender emotions. Her ability to listen intently with compassion dissolved any self-judgement and validated the heavy emotions that were surfacing - and I was surprised by the emotions of guilt and shame that came up for healing as I was unaware I had been carrying them. I later became aware that the suppressed emotions had kept me stuck. When I began to process these emotions, I felt like I was reclaiming my life and coming through with greater empowerment.

Jeanette’s empathy and strength provided much comfort while making me feel seen and heard in a way that I no longer felt alone in my grief. I found Jeanette‘s spiritual gifts and intuition to be invaluable. The sessions were tuned in for me, and I truly appreciated the guidance Jeanette received from her intuition and connection to Source, which she always shared with sensitivity and care. Jeanette’s intuitive guidance would reflect something deep within me in which I hadn’t admitted to myself or realised, and prepared me to move forward with greater awareness and acceptance.

Jeanette guided me through meaningful self-care practices that are well suited to my nature and lifestyle to support my ongoing healing and growth after loss. After coming through to the other side of pain, I can now see there is compassion and love in the centre of pain and know that it is possible to live my life with freedom and joy after loss. Acknowledging my pregnancy and miscarriage with love and compassion has paved the way for my spiritual growth and deeper inner peace. 

Thank you, Jeanette for showing me how to be fully present with my grief - to have it witnessed, and allow my pain and grief to evolve into a profound meaning. I never imagined that I would learn to integrate the loss of my baby in a way that gives my life greater purpose. My life has deeper meaning now because it has been touched by my baby’s soul, even if she only lived in me for 6 weeks. The grief of losing my baby will always be with me, but I have learnt to be soft and present with it. 

In some ways, the grief brought me to feel closer to my baby; it reminded me that my baby was real. My baby has opened my heart and has shown me my enormous capacity to love. My heart has expanded through my miscarriage and has led me to create a support group for women who have suffered miscarriages. I wish to show them how allowing myself to feel my pain; having my grief witnessed; and practicing self-compassion, has made it possible for me to move forward with love and purpose after loss.”

- CLI, Brighton

A story of honest communication, improved relationships and creating a safe circle of support.

The Powerless to Purpose programme with Jeanette has guided me to find acceptance and peace during a very difficult time. I came through with a deeper self-awareness and understanding of what I needed and realised how I had been carrying on with life as usual after a devastating loss; unaware of my unmet needs that stemmed from grief. My healing began at the moment my needs were identified, and Jeanette provided invaluable wisdom and person-centred practical tools to support my changing needs.

As the sessions with Jeanette progressed, I experienced improvements in my relationship with my husband and my family. I felt empowered to communicate my needs to others in a way that gave them a better understanding of the role they played in healing my grief and how they could better support me. A surprising unexpected benefit, as a result of my healing, was how it led my husband to open up and talk about his difficult feelings about our shared loss; I no longer felt alone in my grieving journey and felt very comforted.

The Powerless to Purpose programme created a safe and nurturing space where I could explore my emotions and fully express myself openly without holding back. Jeanette's extensive life and professional experience, together with her deep listening, compassion and intuitive guidance, enabled me to heal my pain and integrate the loss into my life in a meaningful way. My work with Jeanette has been integral in finding a renewed lease for life and has given me a deeper sense of purpose.”

- LTQ, Melbourne

Further Client Testimonials

  • "I was feeling very stuck and yet scattered around some career choices.  I was constantly on the hamster wheel in my head, with the same questions repeating and repeating.  Trying to figure all this out on my own wasn't working, because I doubted my own abilities.  Jeanette is a superb listener and was able to bring clarity to my situation. She knew the right questions to ask that led me to being able to look at the bigger picture and, more importantly, to understand that trusting my authentic self and my intuition was key to moving forward. She guided me to trust my instincts and listen to my inner voice that already knew what I needed to do. That 'ah-ha' moment gave me a sense of great relief after our session.  I'm on my path now! Thank you, Jeanette!"

    — Lyn W, Chicago (1:1 coaching)

  • "I feel a greater sense of clarity and conviction after my coaching sessions with Jeanette. She creates a safe space for self-exploration and asks powerful questions that connect me to my inner self in a deeper way. Jeanette’s compassion enables her to listen without judgment and her wisdom guides me to profound insights. Jeanette inspires me to dream big and has helped me realise that the growth of my business is determined by how much success I allow in, and that has been a huge turning point for me. Thank you, Jeanette for helping me gain a higher perspective and reconnecting me to my confidence and self-belief."

    — Lam I, Brighton (1:1 coaching)

  • "In a brief session with Jeanette, she proposed a powerful question that I now use daily in my journal work and as a way to become mindful of the present moment. Really helpful way to pause. She was fully present, listening in a deep and reflective way which has been validating and supportive to me."

    — Maryrose, London (1:1 coaching)

  • "Earlier this year, during a period of overwhelm, Jeanette suggested a simple exercise. It's not always easy to remember to do it, but it proved simple and effective!"

    — Jen D, Norwich (1:1 coaching)

  • "Very useful, effective exercises and the discussions around them were brilliant. An excellent workshop - well delivered."

    — JD, Norwich (workshop participant)

  • "Jeanette created a lovely calm and safe space to explore techniques. I feel more empowered now to help myself (and others) when difficult feelings come up."

    — Jane, Norwich (workshop participant)

  • "The workshop helped me explain how and why I feel as I feel and that other people in the group feel the same. I am not alone, not weird."

    — JH, Norwich (workshop participant)