Why Heal Your Emotions?

When we know we are hurting, it can feel scary to let ourselves feel the depth of our pain within grief. We may worry that we will be overwhelmed, possibly even annihilated, such is the enormity of our fear. Feeling this way is completely normal and very common. After all, we were never taught how to be open to these difficult emotions, let alone how to heal them. This is why we feel incapable of expressing them in a safe way.

To make matters worse, pressure from our culture tends to drive such emotions deep into our being where they sit, unprocessed and unhealed, potentially for a life time.

The problem with doing this is that these unhealed emotions can start to subtly control your life. They will drive behaviours and decisions that can thwart your chance of living a joyful life in the fullness of who you really are. Suppressed emotions can rob you of much happiness simply because they have not been healed.

You may find yourself making decisions and choices that your heart knows are not the best ones but you feel powerless to follow your heart. Instead, you choose to stick with what feels comfortable (better the devil you know) even though you know within it will not make you happy and is not what you truly want.

Over time, things can become so chronic that we become fearful of these suppressed emotions, often resulting in adopting habits to keep them stuffed down. You may find yourself constantly looking for things to soothe you, possibly resulting in addictive behaviours which can be very hard to break.

This results in a melting pot of unprocessed and unhealed emotions being kept supressed by fear which really can mess up your life and severely hinder your chance of living in freedom.

Ways that unhealed emotions can affect your life:

  • Unhealed emotions will keep you anchored to the past and prevent you from living in the present with an open heart.

  • Unhealed emotions, particularly when grieving, can cause you to feel like you desperately need to be in control of everything.

  • Unhealed emotions can make you feel stuck and unable to move forward.

  • Unhealed emotions can make you feel very tired and overwhelmed much of the time.

  • Unhealed emotions will keep you stuck in behavioural patterns that limit your life choices. You will resign yourself to living a limited life.

  • Unhealed emotions will keep you trapped in situations that may not serve you very well and rob you of the confidence to change your life for the better.

  • Unhealed emotions limit your beliefs about what is possible for your life. They dampen your dreams and aspirations and keep you living small.

  • Unhealed emotions keep your thinking small and limits your capacity to be creative.

  • Unhealed emotions affect your relationships with others by enforcing expectations (on yourself and them) that may not be met, or even possible.

  • Unhealed emotions can lead to a sense of isolation causing you to disconnect from people.

  • Unhealed emotions will quietly run your life, preventing you from living to your full capability and joy.

  • Hidden fear of your emotions will stop you from stepping into your light, ie the truth of who you really are, and therefore limiting your chance to experience freedom.

What happens when you heal emotions?

The good news is that it is possible to gently allow your emotions to be acknowledged and felt in ways that you will be able to cope with. This is the beginning of healing. It is the start of your journey to feeling lighter, to feeling good about yourself, to begin flourishing.

Bringing your unhealed emotions to the surface releases the power they hold over you, enabling you to understand what they are trying to tell you. Your emotions are like close friends trying to get your attention because your heart is crying out to be healed.

Learning skills to allow your emotions to pass through your body empowers you for the rest of your life. You need never be controlled by an emotion again.

As your heart heals amazing things will happen:

  • You live from a sense of freedom and trust.

  • You have a greater sense of self which leads to sovereignty.

  • You have a ton of self-compassion which spills over to those around you.

  • You feel lighter and less bothered by the small things in life.

  • You have greater resilience for the tougher times.

  • You can provide support and compassion for others who are struggling.

  • You live more from your heart so that your life feels genuine.

  • You forge a strong connection with your intuition.

  • You know and like who you are - you come home to yourself.

Your heart deserves to be healed.


“Working with Jeanette has been a very loving, healing and empowering journey that was greater than I had expected. After the first session with Jeanette, I started to reconnect with my true sense of self. Jeanette created a loving, sacred space for me to be fully present with my raw and tender emotions. When I began to process these emotions, I felt like I was reclaiming my life and coming through with greater empowerment.” - CLI, Brighton